hey, i’m amanda

I remember the first time I actually felt like I was getting results from working out. It was after years of identifying as a runner, training for races (including a full marathon) and being proud of what my body could do, but never feeling like it looked how I wanted it to.

I had started lifting weights in the gym, learning most of what I knew from taking fitness classes at local studios. And it felt like everything suddenly just started working. It felt like I unlocked a cheat code!

I became a personal trainer in 2018 with the mission of helping other women have the same experience I did: the feeling when everything finally starts working, you stop dreading your reflection in the mirror, and you walk a little more confidently through life.

But I need to be honest - when I first started working in the fitness industry, I felt out of place. Even though I loved working out, eating healthy, and taking care of my body, I also loved eating out at restaurants, having dessert, and saying yes to life.

If you’re here, maybe that sounds like you too. If so, you came to the right place!

I teach all my clients how to balance fitness and fun and I hope I can help you out in some way on your fitness journey, because you deserve to look and feel how you want while living a full life too.